Friday, September 17, 2010

Unstructured Days of Summer Are Behind Us - Whew!

With the start of school upon us it’s time to leave the unstructured days of summer behind. Although the thought of a scheduled day may sound a bit more stressful it may actually make life a bit easier. Your children spend their day at school passing from one activity to the next easily. Without much thought or uncertainty. They know exactly what comes next. You might want to follow this lead at home. If you have battles over homework or getting you child dressed in the morning. Hold a family meeting. Talk about what things need to be done each day and make a plan that everyone agrees on. Remember after a full day at school, children are hungry and need a bit of time to unwind. Choose a time slot just for homework and provide you child with a comfortable place to work. With a bit of planning back to school time may actually be easy.

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